Boeing B-29s of the 462BG taxi to the runway at West Field, Tinian, circa 1945.
It should be noted that the command structure of the 20AF was in constant flux throughout its short existence. This is of particular importance when noting how XX and XXI Bomber Command were unified in early-1945, cancelling the campaigns in India and China. Bear this in mind when consulting the order-of-battle. Pictures shown are purely for educational purposes and no permission has been sought. If any errors are found, please contact me.
Twentieth Air Force (20AF)
Washington, DC, United States
GEN Henry H. Arnold, USAAF
(Boeing B-29s)
XX Bomber Command (XX BC)
Chengdu, Republic of China
MG Curtis E. LeMay, USAAF
58th Bombardment Wing (58BW)
West Field, Tinian, Marianas Islands
BG LaVerne G. Saunders, USAAF
40th Bombardment Group (40BG)
Chakulia, India / Xinjin, Republic of China / West Field, Tinian, Marianas Islands
25th Bombardment Squadron (25BS)
44th Bombardment Squadron (44BS)
45th Bombardment Squadron (45BS)
395th Bombardment Squadron (395BS)
444th Bombardment Group (444BG)
Dudhkundi, India / Guanghan, Republic of China / West Field, Tinian, Marianas Islands
676th Bombardment Squadron (676BS)
677th Bombardment Squadron (677BS)
678th Bombardment Squadron (678BS)
462nd Bombardment Group (462BG)
Piardoba, India / Qionglai, Republic of China / West Field, Tinian, Marianas Islands
768th Bombardment Squadron (768BS)
769th Bombardment Squadron (769BS)
770th Bombardment Squadron (770BS)
468th Bombardment Group (468BG)
Kalaikunda, India / Pengshan, Republic of China / West Field, Tinian, Marianas Islands
792nd Bombardment Squadron (792BS)
793rd Bombardment Squadron (793BS)
794th Bombardment Squadron (794BS)
795th Bombardment Squadron (795BS)
73rd Bombardment Wing (73BW)
Isley Field, Saipan, Marianas Islands
BG Emmett O’Donnell, Jr., USAA
497th Bombardment Group (497BG)
869th Bombardment Squadron (869BS)
870th Bombardment Squadron (870BS)
871st Bombardment Squadron (871BS)
872nd Bombardment Squadron (872BS)
498th Bombardment Group (498BG)
873rd Bombardment Squadron (873BS)
874th Bombardment Squadron (874BS)
875th Bombardment Squadron (875BS)
499th Bombardment Group (499BG)
877th Bombardment Squadron (877BS)
878th Bombardment Squadron (878BS)
879th Bombardment Squadron (879BS)
500th Bombardment Group (500BG)
881st Bombardment Squadron (881BS)
882nd Bombardment Squadron (882BS)
883rd Bombardment Squadron (883BS)
XXI Bomber Command (XXI BC)
Depot Field, Guam, Marianas Islands
MG Haywood S. Hansell, Jr., USAAF
313th Bombardment Wing (313BW)
North Field, Tinian, Marianas Islands
BG John H. Davies, USAAF
6th Bombardment Group (6BG)
24th Bombardment Squadron (24BS)
39th Bombardment Squadron (39BS)
40th Bombardment Squadron (40BS)
9th Bombardment Group (9BG)
1st Bombardment Squadron (1BS)
5th Bombardment Squadron (5BS)
99th Bombardment Squadron (99BS)
504th Bombardment Group (504BG)
398th Bombardment Squadron (398BS)
421st Bombardment Squadron (421BS)
680th Bombardment Squadron (680BS)
505th Bombardment Group (508BG)
482nd Bombardment Squadron (482BS)
483rd Bombardment Squadron (483BS)
484th Bombardment Squadron (484BS)
314th Bombardment Wing (314BW)
North Field, Guam, Marianas Islands
BG Thomas S. Power, USAAF
19th Bombardment Group (19BG)
28th Bombardment Squadron (28BS)
30th Bombardment Squadron (30BS)
93rd Bombardment Squadron (93BS)
29th Bombardment Group (29BG)
6th Bombardment Squadron (6BS)
43rd Bombardment Squadron (43BS)
52nd Bombardment Squadron (52BS)
39th Bombardment Group (39BG)
60th Bombardment Squadron (60BS)
61st Bombardment Squadron (61BS)
62nd Bombardment Squadron (62BS)
330th Bombardment Group (330BG)
457th Bombardment Squadron (457BS)
458th Bombardment Squadron (458BS)
459th Bombardment Squadron (459BS)
315th Bombardment Wing (315BW)
Northwest Field, Guam, Marianas Island
BG Frank A. Armstrong, Jr., USAAF
16th Bombardment Group (16BG)
15th Bombardment Squadron (15BS)
16th Bombardment Squadron (16BS)
17th Bombardment Squadron (17BS)
331st Bombardment Group (331BG)
355th Bombardment Squadron (355BS)
356th Bombardment Squadron (356BS)
357th Bombardment Squadron (357BS)
501st Bombardment Group (501BG)
21st Bombardment Squadron (21BS)
41st Bombardment Squadron (41BS)
485th Bombardment Squadron (485BS)
502nd Bombardment Group (502BS)
402nd Bombardment Squadron (402BS)
411th Bombardment Squadron (411BS)
430th Bombardment Squadron (430BS)
509th Bombardment Group (Composite) (509BG/509CG)
COL Paul W. Tibbets, Jr. USAAF
320th Troop Carrier Squadron (320TCS)
393rd Bombardment Squadron (393BS)